Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Law of Getting Rich

Dear Friend,

Are you successful in life? Are you rich? Are you happy?
Have you found the opportunity that will take care of you and your family for the rest of your life?

NO! Why not? What's stopping you? How much time do you spend each week looking for it?

Do you have any worries to bother you? What are your worries? Money, not having enough, duped in love, family matters, future of your little one?
Do you know that worries can get you only into more troubles and hence more worries without solving any problem?
The more you worry, the more you'll be sorry.

Then how can you overcome your worries? Have any answer? NO?

If stones are thrown at you, can you convert them into milestones? Until you try, you don’t know what you can’t do.

So are you broke, or do you have the will, the guts, to give it another try and weather out the storm you are presently having in your life?

Perhaps you don't have the DERIRE to be successful!

Do you know that Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Success is an eternal dance of life. Just in case of real dance, which is a great form of art and requires years of training and practice for perfection, the journey of success also requires training and practice to make that eternal dance perfect. A success is anyone who is realizing a worthy predetermined ideal, because that's what he or she decided to do ... deliberately. But only one out of 20 does that! The rest are "failures."

Where do you reckon yourself to be in? Among the Success or among the failures? If you are doubtful about abilities to bring success to kiss your feet.....
The key to success is TO BE TRUE TO THINE OWN SELF. Afterall "Plenty are born with talent but few are driven to express it in full".

Then what is it that has build the undemolishable wall between you and success?

Late Nobel prize–winner Dr. Albert Schweitzer was once asked by a reporter, "Doctor, what's wrong with men today?"

The great doctor was silent a moment, and then he said, "Men simply don't think!"

Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman Emperor, said: "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it."

Can you think that you could make something very special of you? Do you believe that?

My dear friend, do something good, something great, for yourself, for your family, for your community, for your country... for the world...

Can you? You can do something that the world would remember forever, if you think you can. So, can you think? Yes? Then why procrastinating? You must have been fishing in wrong waters when, in reality, you could have been just 3 feet from gold!

Or, are you still in doubt? Do you know, over 6 crore well educated youth are unemployed in India and are extremely worried about their future. What real changes does one have to make in LIFE when a good degree and education are no more a job guarrantee? On the other hand, severe competition and onslaught of upcoming shopping malls and multiplex are closing down small businesses everyday. In these days who can guarantee a success in any new business venture even after investing huge money? In this scenario, everyone is searching for an honest , smart, realistic and workable opportunity to generate an extra income!

But you are unable to do so. Don't you ask yourself, WHY? Perhaps you don't have that DESIRE to make money!

Some people foolishly believe that only MONEY can make money. This is not true! DESIRE, transmuted into its monetary equivalent is the agency through which money is "made". Money, of its own, is nothing but inert matter. It cannot move, think, or talk, but it can "hear" when a man who DESIRES it, calls it to come!

Do you know what's your biggest hurdle?
The "IF" in your "LIFE". It is the greatest hurdle that is not making you DESIROUS to be rich. The IF gives birth to all sorts of negetive thoughts and feelings like doubt, fear, procrastination etc. But if and when you overcome the IF, your DESIRES would lead you to be wealthy. Afterall, WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT 'coz "Winners don't do different things, they do things differently." -- Shiv Khera

Oh! By the way, did I tell you that there's a hell lot of a difference between DESIRE and GREED?

Well, here's the difference;

DESIRE -- Your way to SUCCESS and WEALTH.
GREED -- Your way to FAILURE and POVERTY.

Want to learn more how to build THE DESIRE that will lead you to FINANCIAL FREEDOM and find a true way as well? Well, when you decide to start looking for it, just come back to this page and keep on reading. Takes about a few minutes. Might make u a lot of money and bring you the ultimate peace of mind. So why not have a go at it. You may try anybody or anything but if you find no other way or no one else to help you then you can try me and get yourself groomed mentally in order to find the right way to financial freedom/become rich.

I am D. Guha
and am available on 9830456970 (10 a.m. -- 3p.m.),
and through homejobsprovider@yahoo.com,
at 14F, Dhakuria Station Road, Kolkata -- 700031 (behind Ram Chandra High School)
(Please call to fix an appointment)

Enroll now and get 8 invaluable ebooks free (by N. Hill, D. Chopra, D. Hooper, M. Anthony, Shiv Khera etc). Also, learn spoken English and computer basics with Internet absolutely free.

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Waiting to meet you soon.

D. Guha